
Monday 14 October 2019

Onion Cells/Cheek Cells ~ Microscope Drawings

First off we started with our partners of 2. Since everybody had a partner I had to be by myself which was easier for me to just doing and yeah. After you have your buddy you will be given a small glass slide where you put your cheek cells onto. We used a popsicle stick to collect the cheek cells. When we have finished we add a drop of saline solution which is known as (saltwater sodium and chlorine). Letting that dry a bit we add in dye (Methylene). Leaving that for a bit we dip it into the water and clean off all liquids without touching it. Here is a drawing of 4 of my cheeks cells. By the way, the space in the middle is not counted as a cell.

During the breaks when we were waiting for the cells to dry. We drew a picture of 4-5 onion cells. We followed a lady drawing the onion cell and these were the results.

Back To School!

Back To School!
(T4 W1 2019)

And, here we are. Back at school once again. Term 4, Wow! time has really gone
fast. First day of school and ready to learn! As normal things going on in class we
end up at immersion assembly to figure out what our other teams are going to learn
this term. (Life’s A Stage!) The new term’s theme. It’s about how we all are gonna
express our emotions and, act a bit moody this term. My favorite part about the
immersion assembly was when Mr.Somervile came driving down the hall on a
scooter, It was really funny-ish. What are my goals for this term? Well, it’s to keep
going in my learning, so whenever I lose control of working and get distracted, I
will try to finish it off with the time I have left.

WALT: Structure of an explanation piece of writing correctly.